The Sustainable Development report discloses the key performance indicators that stakeholders have said are important in our ongoing engagement with them. Material issues of high priority are discussed in detail in this report.
We have evaluated our business risks and opportunities by benchmarking ourselves against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). We have also identified the UN SDGs relevant to our business that will guide us in developing long-term performance standards and targets.
The Group recognises the importance of listening to stakeholders. Engaging stakeholders is part of the process by which the Group formulates its business strategy and defines how and what should be reported. The Group identifies the priorities of stakeholder groups according to the impact our business has on them, as well as the influence they have on our business.
Stakeholders are engaged in a planned and systematic manner, including, but not limited to, on-going dialogue, face-to-face meetings, questionnaires and focus group discussions.