Verification Statement

Scope and Objective

Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (“HKQAA”) was commissioned by Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited (“HAECO Group”) to undertake an independent verification for 2022 HAECO Group Sustainable Development Reporting (“Reporting”). HAECO Group’s Reporting included the overall sustainability efforts and performance of HAECO Group in the period of 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2022. In the Reporting, HAECO focuses on the disclosures of environmental, social and governance issues that are of concerns to its stakeholders.


The scope of sustainability data verification covered:



1. Total energy consumption

2. Total greenhouse gas emissions from direct operations (CO2e) (Scope 1 & 2)

3. Total water withdrawal

4. Total waste diverted

5. Total waste generated

6. Material greenhouse gas emissions from HAECO Group’s value chain (CO2e) (Scope 3)



1. Total fatalities (employee)

2. Total fatalities (contractor)

3. Lost time injury rate


The aim of this verification is to provide a reasonable assurance on the reliability of the reporting contents. HAECO Group’s Reporting has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) Universal Standards 2021 (“GRI Universal Standards 2021”).


Level of Assurance and Methodology

The process applied in this verification was based on the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (Revised), Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. Our evidence gathering process was designed to obtain a reasonable level of assurance as set out in the standard for the purpose of devising the verification conclusion. The extent of this verification process undertaken covered the criteria set in the GRI Universal Standards 2021.


The verification process included verifying the systems and processes implemented for collecting, collating and reporting the sustainability performance data, reviewing relevant documentation, interviewing responsible personnel with accountability for preparing the reporting contents and verifying the selected representative samples of data and information. Raw data and supporting evidence of the selected samples were also thoroughly examined during the verification process.



HAECO Group is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the information in the Reporting. Our verification activities are independent. There is no relationship between HKQAA and HAECO that would affect the impartiality of the verification service.



Based on the verification results and in accordance with the verification procedures undertaken, HKQAA has obtained reasonable assurance and is in the opinion that:

  • The Reporting has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Universal Standards 2021;
  • The Reporting illustrates the sustainability performance of HAECO Group, covering all material aspects, in a balanced, comparable, clear, responsive, fair and timely manner; and
  • The data and information disclosed in the Reporting are reliable and complete.


Nothing has come to HKQAA attention that the selected sustainability performance information and data contained in the Reporting has not been prepared and presented fairly and honestly, in all material aspects, in accordance with the verification criteria. In conclusion, the sustainability commitments, strategies, stewardship and performance of HAECO Group has been communicated to stakeholders in a transparent manner.


Signed on behalf of Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency


Connie Sham

Head of Audit

April 2023