HAECO : Sustainable Development

HAECO Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development (SD) is at the heart of HAECO business model.
By investing in the future and growing sustainably,
HAECO continues to create long-term values for the business, customers,
and the communities we serve.

SD Management Approach

Our sustainability approaches are guided by our corporate governance, policies and materiality assessment.

2030 Sustainable Development Strategy

Our mid-term and long-term strategy unveils HAECO ambitious actions with goals towards a sustainable future.

SD Stories

We create shared values through our SD initiatives and communicate with stakeholders their positive impacts to the communities.


Our reports are in accordance with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standard, you can find more details about our sustainability performance on economic, environmental and social aspects in Data & GRI Content Index.

SD Reports

You can find our latest Sustainable Development disclosure, Fact Sheets and back issues here.

Contact Us

We welcome your feedback and views on how we might improve our SD management approach and disclosure.