New choices of PPE tailored made for safety and comfort.

We travel the extra mile when it comes to our staff safety, fulfilling statutory requirements, compliances and standards, yet never losing sight of their comfort and wellbeing.

Our company established a ‘personal protective equipment’ (PPE) policy and developed an e-learning platform empowering the team to embrace safety at the workplace. It is vital to understand that prevention and job hazards minimization start by choosing the right PPE across different roles and operations!

In 2019, HAECO Xiamen took a further step and introduced a PPE improvement programme providing user-friendly choices to ensure the staff would not miss any chance to stay safe and sound.

The pilot policy of wearing a bump cap in the hangar, when performing low-risk jobs, was welcomed by the team thanks to the choice of light weighted and well-ventilated equipment. We will monitor the enforcement and intensify inspections in the coming future, making sure that our team safety is at the core of their overall wellbeing.